The KELT Follow-Up Network and Transit False Positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS [EPA]

The Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) project has been conducting a photometric survey for transiting planets orbiting bright stars for over ten years. The KELT images have a pixel scale of ~23 arsec per pixel (similar to TESS) and a large point spread function, and the KELT reduction pipeline uses a weighted photometric aperture with radius 3 arcmin. At this angular scale, multiple stars are typically blended in the photometric apertures. In order to identify false positives and confirm transiting exoplanets, we have assembled a follow-up network (KELT-FUN) to conduct imaging with higher spatial resolution, cadence, and photometric precision than the KELT telescopes, as well as spectroscopic observations of the candidate host stars. The KELT-FUN team has followed-up over 1,600 planet candidates since 2011, resulting in more than 20 planet discoveries. We present an all-sky catalog of 1,081 bright stars (6<V<13) that show transit-like features in the KELT light curves. These stars were originally identified as planet candidates, but were subsequently determined to be astrophysical false positives (FPs) after photometric and/or spectroscopic follow-up observations. The remaining ~500 retired planet candidates have been classified as false alarms (instrumental or systematic noise). The KELT-FUN team continues to pursue KELT and other planet candidates and will eventually follow up certain classes of TESS candidates. The KELT FP catalog will help minimize the duplication of follow-up observations by current and future transit surveys such as TESS.

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K. Collins, K. Collins, J. Pepper, et. al.
Wed, 7 Mar 18

Comments: Submitted to AAS Journals, 21 pages, 11 figures, 7 tables