The continued importance of habitability studies [EPA]

This is a white paper in response to the National Academy of Sciences “Exoplanet Science Strategy” call.
We summarize recent advances in theoretical habitability studies and argue that such studies will remain important for guiding and interpreting observations. Interactions between 1-D and 3-D climate modelers will be necessary to resolve recent discrepancies in model results and improve habitability studies. Observational capabilities will also need improvement. Although basic observations can be performed with present capabilities, technological advances will be necessary to improve climate models to the level needed for planetary habitability studies.

Read this paper on arXiv…

R. Ramirez, D. Abbot, V. Airapetian, et. al.
Fri, 2 Mar 18

Comments: This is a white paper submitted to the National Academies 2018 “Exoplanet Science Strategy” call(6 pages total, including cover page). this http URL