Exploring the squeezed three-point galaxy correlation function with generalized halo occupation distribution models [CEA]


We present the GeneRalized ANd Differentiable Halo Occupation Distribution (GRAND- HOD) routine that generalizes the standard 5 parameter halo occupation distribution model (HOD Zheng et al. 2009) with various halo-scale physics and assembly bias. We describe the methodology of 4 different generalizations: satellite distribution generalization, velocity bias, closest approach distance generalization, and assembly bias. We showcase the signatures of these generalizations in the 2-point correlation function (2PCF) and the squeezed 3-point correlation function (squeezed 3PCF). We identify generalized HOD prescriptions that are nearly degenerate in the projected 2PCF and demonstrate that these degeneracies are broken in the redshift-space anisotropic 2PCF and the squeezed 3PCF. We also discuss the possibility of identifying degeneracies in the anisotropic 2PCF and further demonstrate the extra constraining power of the squeezed 3PCF on galaxy-halo connection models. We find that within our current HOD framework, the anisotropic 2PCF can predict the squeezed 3PCF better than its statistical error. This implies that a discordant squeezed 3PCF measurement could falsify the particular HOD model space. Alternatively, it is possible that further generalizations of the HOD model would open opportunities for the squeezed 3PCF to provide novel parameter measurements. The GRAND-HOD Python package is publicly available at https://github. com/SandyYuan/GRAND-HOD.

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S. Yuan, D. Eisenstein and L. Garrison
Thu, 1 Mar 18

Comments: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS