The THESEUS Workshop 2017 [HEAP]

The Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) is a mission concept developed in the last years by a large European consortium, with interest in prospective participation by research groups in USA and other non-European countries. As detailed in Amati et al. 2017 (arXiv:1710.04638) and Stratta et al. 2017 (arXiv:1712.08153), THESEUS aims at exploiting high-redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts for getting unique clues on the early Universe and, being an unprecedentedly powerful machine for the detection, accurate location and redshift determination of all types of GRBs (long, short, high-z, under-luminous, ultra-long) and many other classes of transient sources and phenomena, at providing a substantial contribution to multi-messenger astrophysics and time-domain astronomy. Under these respects, THESEUS will show a beautiful synergy with the large observing facilities of the future, like E-ELT, TMT, SKA, CTA, ATHENA, in the electromagnetic domain, as well as with next-generation gravitational-waves and neutrino detectors, thus enhancing importantly their scientific return. Moreover, it will also operate as a flexible IR and X-ray observatory, thus providing an even larger involvement of the scientific community, as is currently the case for the Swift mission. In order to further explore the magnificent prospective science of the mission, the THESEUS consortium organized a Workshop in Naples on October 5-6 2017. The programme included about 50 reviews and talks from worldwide recognized experts of the fields. The topics ranged from the description of the mission concept, instrumentation and technologies to the main, additional and observatory science, further showing the strong impact that THESEUS observations would have on several fields of astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics.

Read this paper on arXiv…

L. Amati, E. Bozzo, D. Gotz, et. al.
Wed, 7 Feb 18

Comments: To be published in the Proceedings of the THESEUS Workshop 2017 (this http URL), Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society (Mem.SAIt), Editors L. Amati, E. Bozzo, M. Della Valle, D. Gotz, P. O’Brien. Details on the THESEUS mission concept can be found in the white paper Amati et al. 2017 (arXiv:171004638) and Stratta et al. 2017 (arXiv:1712.08153)