The quiescent state of the neutron-star X-ray transient GRS 1747-312 in the globular cluster Terzan 6 [HEAP]

We studied the transient neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary GRS 1747-312 in its quiescent state after its outburst in August 2004 using an archival XMM-Newton observation. The quiescent X-ray spectrum of the source can be fitted with a soft component (using a neutron-star atmosphere model) and a hard component (using a power-law model) that both contributed roughly equally to the 0.5-10 keV X-ray luminosity (which was ~4.8X10^33 erg/s). This type of X-ray spectrum is typically observed for quiescent neutron-star X-ray transients that are thought to still accrete in quiescence at very low mass-accretion rates. Therefore, we propose that the same is true for GRS 1747-312. Because of the frequent outbursts of the source, it is possible that the source never stops accreting in-between the outbursts. We discuss the quiescent properties of GRS 1747-312 in the context of what is known about other quiescent systems. We also investigated the thermal evolution of the neutron-star if the observed emission was from a cooling neutron-star crust, and inferred that GRS 1747-312 would still be considered a typical system.

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S. Vats, R. Wijnands, A. Parikh, et. al.
Mon, 5 Feb 18

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to MNRAS