Discovering intermediate-mass black hole lenses through gravitational wave lensing [CL]

Intermediate-mass black holes are the missing link that connects supermassive and stellar-mass black holes and are key to understanding galaxy evolution. Gravitational waves, like photons, can be lensed by these objects. In the diffraction limit a gravitational wave can self interfere when bent by a mass of Schwarzschild radius comparable to its wavelength, modifying the observed waveform. The required point mass scale is $\sim 100-1000~\rm M_\odot$ for significant wave effect to occur for compact binaries in the LIGO band, corresponding to intermediate-mass black hole deflectors. We perform a mock data study using lensed gravitational waves to investigate detectability of these intermediate-mass black hole deflectors in the LIGO-Virgo detector network. In particular, we simulate gravitational waves with different source distributions lensed by an astrophysical population of intermediate-mass black holes and use standard LIGO tools to infer the properties of these lenses. We show that one can discover intermediate-mass black holes through their lensing effects on gravitational waves in the LIGO-Virgo detector network. Moreover, we demonstrate that one can detect intermediate-mass black holes at $\rm 98 \%$ confidence level in $\sim \rm 20 \%$ of the lensed cases, subject to the astrophysical lens population.

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K. Lai, O. Hannuksela, A. Herrera-Martin, et. al.
Thu, 25 Jan 18

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures