Chiral plasma instability and primordial Gravitational wave [CEA]

It is known that cosmic magnetic field, if present, can generate anisotropic stress in the plasma and hence, can act as a source of gravitational waves. On the other hand, cosmic magnetic can be generated even at very temperature, much above electroweak scale, due to the gravitational anomaly. Such magnetic field, in its due course of evolution, generates instability in the chiral plasma. In this article, we discuss the generation of gravitational waves due to turbulence in the chiral plasma sourced by the magnetic field created due to the gravitational anomaly. Such a gravitational wave will have unique spectrum. We estimate the amplitude and frequency of such gravitational waves which may be detected in the Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) or Square Kilometer Array (SKA) experiments.

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S. Anand, J. Bhatt and A. Pandey
Wed, 3 Jan 2018

Comments: 8 pages, 2 figures, comments welcome