Lepton-rich cold QCD matter in protoneutron stars [CL]


We investigate protoneutron star matter using the state-of-the-art perturbative equation of state for cold and dense QCD in the presence of a fixed lepton fraction in which both electrons and neutrinos are included. Besides computing the modifications in the equation of state due to the presence of trapped neutrinos, we show that stable strange quark matter has a more restricted parameter space. We also study the possibility of nucleation of unpaired quark matter in the core of protoneutron stars by matching the lepton-rich QCD pressure onto a hadronic equation of state, namely TM1 with trapped neutrinos. Using the inherent dependence of perturbative QCD on the renormalization scale parameter, we provide a measure of the uncertainty in the observables we compute.

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J. Jimenez and E. Fraga
Thu, 14 Dec 17

Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures