The HectoMAP Cluster Survey – I. redMaPPer Clusters [CEA]

We use the dense HectoMAP redshift survey to explore the properties of 104 redMaPPer cluster candidates. The redMaPPer systems in HectoMAP cover the full range of richness and redshift (0.08 $< z <$ 0.60). Fifteen systems included in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam public data release are bona fide clusters. The median number of spectroscopic members per cluster is $\sim20$. We include redshifts of 3547 member candidates listed in the redMaPPer catalog whether they are cluster members or not. We evaluate the redMaPPer membership probability spectroscopically. The scaled richness ({\lambda}rich/S) provided by redMaPPer correlates tightly with the spectroscopic richness regardless of the cluster redshift and appears to be a better mass proxy than the original richness, {\lambda}rich. The purity (number of real systems) in redMaPPer exceeds 90% even at the lowest richness; however, there is some incompleteness. Five massive galaxy clusters (M $\gtrsim 2 \times 10$^{13}$ M$_{\odot}$) associated with X-ray emission in the HectoMAP region are missing from the catalog.

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J. Sohn, M. Geller, K. Rines, et. al.
Tue, 5 Dec 17

Comments: submitted to ApJ, 15 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables; data will be available when the paper is accepted