The observational constraints on the flat $φ$CDM models [CEA]

Current cosmological data is in a good agreement with the $\Lambda$CDM model as well as a number of physically better motivated alternatives. The constraining power of the cosmological data is steadily increasing and if the standard cosmological {\it concordance} ($\Lambda$CDM) model is not a true description of dark energy we will be able to reject it within the next decade. If however the $\Lambda$CDM model (or something effectively very close to the $\Lambda$CDM model) constitutes the true nature of dark energy the statistical interpretation of the result will not be as straightforward. Most dark energy models have the $\Lambda$CDM model as their limit and the Bayesian arguments about evidence and the fine-tuning will have to be employed to discriminate between the models. Assuming a baseline $\Lambda$CDM model we look at a number of the representative dark energy models would perform when compared to the growth rate, the expansion rate, and the angular distance measurements from the Stage-IV dark energy experiments. We find that the Bayes factor will provide a substantial evidence in favor of the $\Lambda$CDM model over most of the alternatives.

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O. Avsajanishvili, Y. Huang, L. Samushia, et. al.
Fri, 1 Dec 17

Comments: 12 pages, 5 figures