A test of cosmological principle using the JLA compilation of type Ia supernovae [CEA]


We test the cosmological principle by fitting a dipolar modulation of distance modulus and searching for an evolution of this modulation with respect to cosmological redshift. Based on a redshift tomographic method, we divide the Joint Light-curve Analysis compilation of supernovae of type Ia into different redshift bins, and employ a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo method to infer the anisotropic amplitude and direction in each redshift bin. However, we do not find any significant deviations from the cosmological principle, and the anisotropic amplitude is stringently constrained to be less than a few thousandths at $95\%$ confidence level.

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Z. Chang, H. Lin, Y. Sang, et. al.
Fri, 1 Dec 17

Comments: 10 pages, 9 tables, 9 figures