A previous analysis of starburst-dominated HII Galaxies and HII regions has demonstrated a statistically significant preference for the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology with zero active mass, known as the R_h=ct universe, over LCDM and its related dark-matter parametrizations. In this paper, we employ a 2-point diagnostic with these data to present a complementary statistical comparison of R_h=ct with Planck LCDM. Our 2-point diagnostic compares—in a pairwise fashion—the difference between the distance modulus measured at two redshifts with that predicted by each cosmology. Our results support the conclusion drawn by a previous comparative analysis demonstrating that R_h=ct is statistically preferred over Planck LCDM. But we also find that the reported errors in the HII measurements may not be purely Gaussian, perhaps due to a partial contamination by non-Gaussian systematic effects. The use of HII Galaxies and HII regions as standard candles may be improved even further with a better handling of the systematics in these sources.
K. Leaf and F. Melia
Thu, 30 Nov 17
Comments: 7 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS
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