Evolution of the surface magnetic field of rotating proto-neutron stars [HEAP]


We study the evolution of the field on the surface of proto-neutron stars in the immediate aftermath of stellar core collapse by analyzing the results of self-consistent, axisymmetric simulations of the cores of rapidly rotating high-mass stars. To this end, we compare the field topology and the angular spectra of the poloidal and toroidal field components over a time of about one seconds for cores. Both components are characterized by a complex geometry with high power at intermediate angular scales. The structure is mostly the result of the accretion of magnetic flux embedded in the matter falling through the turbulent post-shock layer onto the PNS. Our results may help to guide further studies of the long-term magnetothermal evolution of proto-neutron stars. We find that the accretion of stellar progenitor layers endowed with low or null magnetization bury the magnetic field on the PNS surface very effectively.

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M. Obergaulinger and M. Aloy
Wed, 29 Nov 17

Comments: 7 pages, to appear in the proceedings of “Physics of Neutron Stars – 2017” Conference (July 10-14, Saint Petersburg), JPCS, eds. G.G. Pavlov, J.A. Pons, P.S. Shternin & D.G. Yakovlev