Light meson gas in the QCD vacuum and oscillating Universe [CL]

We have developed a phenomenological effective quantum-field theoretical model describing the “hadron gas” of the lightest pseudoscalar mesons, scalar {\sigma}-meson and {\sigma}-vacuum, i.e. the expectation value of the {\sigma}-field, at finite temperatures. The corresponding thermodynamic approach was formulated in terms of the generating functional derived from the effective Lagrangian providing the basic thermodynamic information about the “meson plasma + QCD condensate” system. This formalism enables us to study the QCD transition from the hadron phase with direct implications for cosmological evolution. Using the hypothesis about a positively-definite QCD vacuum contribution stochastically produced in early universe, we show that the universe could undergo a series of oscillations during the QCD epoch before resuming unbounded expansion.

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G. Prokhorov and R. Pasechnik
Thu, 23 Nov 17

Comments: 30 pages, 17 figures