The rare case of changing-look (CL) AGNs, with the appearance or disappearance of broad Balmer emission lines within a few years, challenges our understanding of the AGN unified model. We present a sample of 21 new CL AGNs at $0.08<z<0.58$. The new sample doubles the number of such objects known to date. These new CL AGNs were discovered by several ways, from repeat spectra in the SDSS, repeat spectra in the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) and SDSS, and from photometric variability and new spectroscopic observations. The estimated upper limits of transition timescale of the CL AGNs in this sample span from 0.9 to 13 years in rest-frame. The continuum flux in the optical and mid-infrared becomes brighter when the CL AGNs turn on, or vice versa. Variations of more than 0.2 mag in the mid-infrared $W1$ band, from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), were detected in 15 CL AGNs during the transition. The optical and mid-infrared variability is not consistent with the scenario of variable obscuration in 10 CL AGNs at higher than $3\sigma$ confidence level. We confirm a bluer-when-brighter trend in the optical. However, the mid-infrared colors $W1-W2$ become redder when the objects become brighter in the $W1$ band, possibly due to a stronger hot dust contribution in the $W2$ band when the AGN activity becomes stronger. The physical mechanism of type transition is important for understanding the evolution of AGNs.
Q. Yang, X. Wu, X. Fan, et. al.
Thu, 23 Nov 17
Comments: submitted to ApJ
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