Relaxing the $σ_8$-tension through running vacuum in the Universe [CEA]

It has recently been shown that the class of running vacuum models (RVMs) has the capacity to fit the overall cosmological observations better than the concordance $\Lambda$CDM model, therefore supporting the possibility of dynamical dark energy (DE). Apart from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, the most crucial datasets involved are: i) baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO), and ii) direct large scale structure (LSS) formation data. Analyses mainly focusing on CMB and with insufficient BAO+LSS input generally fail to capture the dynamical DE signature, whereas the few existing studies accounting for the wealth of known CMB+BAO+LSS data (see in particular Sol`a, G\’omez-Valent \& de Cruz P\’erez 2015, 2017; and Zhao et al. 2017) do converge to the remarkable conclusion that dynamical DE might well be encoded in the current cosmological observations at a $3-4\sigma$ c.l. A decisive factor is the persistent $\sigma_8$-tension between the $\Lambda$CDM and the data. Because the issue is obviously pressing, we devote this work to explain how and why running vacuum in the expanding universe successfully relaxes the existing $\sigma_8$-tension and describes the LSS formation data significantly better than the $\Lambda$CDM.

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A. Gomez-Valent and J. Sola
Fri, 3 Nov 17

Comments: 7 pages, 1 Table and 4 Figures