Cherenkov Light Lateral Distribution Function Estimation as a Function of Zenith Angle [IMA]

The simulation of Cherenkov light lateral distribution function (CLLDF) in Extensive Air Showers (EAS) was performed by using the Monte Carlo CORSIKA code for configurations of Tunka-133 EAS Cherenkov array. This simulation was carried out for different primary particles (e+, e-, p, O, Ar and Fe) around the knee region with the energy 3.10^15 eV at different zenith angles. By depending on the Breit-Wigner function a parameterization of CLLDF was reconstructed on the basis of this simulation as a function of the zenith angle. The parameterized CLLDF was verified for four fixed zenith angles in comparison with the simulation that performed using CORSIKA code for each primary particle.

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M. Abdulsttar and A. Al-Rubaiee
Fri, 3 Nov 17

Comments: 7 pages, 4 figures, Journal of Applied Physical Science International