Supernovae Ia in 2017: a long time delay from merger/accretion to explosion [HEAP]

I use recent observational and theoretical studies of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) to further constrain the viable SN Ia scenarios and to argue that there must be a substantial time delay between the end of the merger of the WD with a companion or the end of mass accretion on to the WD and its terminal explosion. This merger/accretion to explosion delay (MED) is required to allow the binary system to lead to a more or less spherical explosion and to prevent a pre-explosion ionizing radiation. Considering these recent results and the required MED, I conclude that the core degenerate scenario is the most favorable one, followed by the double degenerate scenario. Although the single degenerate scenario is viable as well, it is unlikely to account for common (normal) SN Ia. As all scenarios require substantial MED, the MED has turned from a disadvantage of the core degenerate scenario to a challenge that theory should overcome.

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N. Soker
Tue, 31 Oct 17

Comments: Will be submitted in 5 days to allow comments by readers, including on missing references from 2017