How may short-duration GRBs form? A review of progenitor theories [HEAP]

The origin of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is still a fascinating field of research nowadays. While we have been collecting more and more observationally constrained properties of GRB-physics, new theoretical results on the progenitor evolution (be it stellar or compact object) have also emerged. I review some of the most promising progenitor theories for forming a short-duration GRB. A special emphasis is put on the hypothetical case of forming a short-duration GRB through the double black hole merger scenario — in which case we may expect to observe a gravitational wave emission too. The chemically homogeneous channel for forming a black hole binary is discussed, and the stellar progenitors (so called TWUIN stars) are introduced. The birth place of these short-duration GRBs with a gravitational wave counterpart may be low-metallicity, starforming dwarf galaxies.

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D. Szecsi
Tue, 17 Oct 17

Comments: Conference Proceedings of 14th INTEGRAL/BART Workshop, 3-7 April 2017, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic this http URL