On The Origin of Supernova-Less Long Gamma Ray Bursts [HEAP]


The fraction of long duration gamma ray bursts (GRBs) without an associated bright supernovae (SNe) at small redshifts $(z<0.15)$ is comparable to that of GRBs associated with SNe. We show, that their X-ray afterglow and the X-ray afterglow of most of the nearby $(z<1)$ GRBs without a confirmed association with SNe, are well reproduced by the launch of highly relativistic jets in the SN-less birth of millisecond pulsars in neutron star mergers or through phase transition of neutron stars to quark stars following mass accretion in compact binaries. Such a large fraction of GRBs with pulsar-like afterglow that extends to very large redshifts $(z>4)$, however, favors phase transition of neutron stars to quark stars in high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), rather than merger of neutron stars, as the origin of SN-less GRBs.

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S. Dado and A. Dar
Mon, 9 Oct 17

Comments: 40 figure (4×1 plus 6X6). Comments are welcome