Discovery of a New Quasar: SDSS J022155.26-064916.6 [HEAP]

We report the discovery of a new quasar: SDSS J022155.26-064916.6. This object was discovered while reducing spectra of a sample of stars being considered as spectrophotometric standards for the Dark Energy Survey. The flux and wavelength calibrated spectrum is presented with four spectral lines identified. From these lines, the redshift is determined to be z is approximately equal to 0.806. In addition, the rest-frame u-, g-, and r-band luminosity, determined using a k-correction obtained with synthetic photometry of a proxy QSO, are reported as 7.496 $\times 10^{13}$ solar luminosities, 2.049 $\times 10^{13}$ solar luminosities, and $1.896 \times 10^{13}$ solar luminosities, respectively.

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J. Robertson, D. Tucker, J. Smith, et. al.
Tue, 12 Sep 17

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