We present shell model calculations of nuclear neutrino energy spectra for 70 $sd$-shell nuclei over the mass number range $A=21-35$. Our calculations include nuclear excited states as appropriate for the hot and dense conditions characteristic of pre-collapse massive stars. We consider neutrinos produced by charged lepton captures and decays and, for the first time in tabular form, neutral current nuclear deexcitation, providing neutrino energy spectra on the Fuller-Fowler-Newman temperature-density grid for these interaction channels for each nucleus. We use the full $sd$-shell model space to compute initial nuclear states up to 20 MeV excitation with transitions to final states up to 35-40 MeV, using a variation of the Misch et al. (2014) prescription for handling high temperature population factors and the nuclear partition functions.
G. Misch, Y. Sun and G. Fuller
Wed, 30 Aug 2017
Comments: 15 pages, 8 figures. Contact GWM for spectra data files
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