We present the results of our work to determine the average albedo for small, close-in planets in the {\it Kepler} candidate catalog. We have adapted our method of averaging short cadence light curves of multiple Kepler planet candidates to long cadence data, in order to detect an average albedo for the group of candidates. Long cadence data exist for many more candidates than the short cadence, and so we separate the candidates into smaller radius bins than in our previous work: 1-2 Rearth, 2-4 Rearth, and 4-6 Rearth. We find that on average, all three groups appear darker than suggested by the short cadence result, but not as dark as many hot Jupiters. The average geometric albedos for the three groups are 0.11 $\pm$ 0.06, 0.05 $\pm$ 0.04, and 0.11 $\pm$ 0.08, respectively, for the case where heat is uniformly distributed about the planet. If heat redistribution is inefficient, the albedos are even lower, since there will be a greater thermal contribution to the total light from the planet. We confirm that newly-identified false positive Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) 1662.01 is indeed an eclipsing binary at twice the period listed in the planet candidate catalog. We also newly identify planet candidate KOI 4351.01 as an eclipsing binary, and we report a secondary eclipse measurement for Kepler-4b (KOI 7.01) of $\sim$ 7.50 ppm at a phase of $\sim$ 0.7, indicating that the planet is on an eccentric orbit.
H. Sheets and D. Deming
Wed, 30 Aug 2017
Comments: 9 pages of text plus 26 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in AJ
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