We use cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of Milky Way-sized halos with different feedback strengths or merger histories to investigate the formation of X-ray luminous coronae. We show that a galactic corona is not a consequence of hot spherical accretion onto a galaxy but of mergers-induced shock heating and supernova feedback. Coronae grow inside-out and detach galaxies from the filamentary network as they outbalance the pressure of cold flows. Additionally, ram pressure strips cold flows at the intersection of the two fronts. Coronae thus drive the transition from the cold mode to hot mode accretion. Our results predict the presence of gas at high temperatures even as early as $z=3-4$, and in halos of much lower mass than the critical mass for hot mode accretion suggested by previous simulations and analytical models (Dekel et al.). All this is quite different from the standard picture in which diffuse halos are a consequence of the thermalisation of kinetic energy derived from gravity and/or the geometric effect of cross sections of halos vs. filaments, and may be more relevant for halos harbouring typical spiral galaxies. We show that SN feedback impacts the galaxy cold flows connection, which has also consequences for the large-scale gas supply and may contribute to galaxy quenching.
A. Sokolowska, A. Babul, L. Mayer, et. al.
Mon, 28 Aug 17
Comments: submitted to ApJ
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