Context.The Kepler mission has provided a large sample to statistically analyze the orbital properties of the super-Earth planets. We hypothesize that these planets formed early and consider the problem of matching planet formation theory to the current observations. Two scenarios, disk migration and in-situ formation, have been proposed to explain their origin. In the migration scenario planets migrate inward due to planet-disk interaction, whereas in the in-situ scenario planets assemble locally. Therefore, planets formed by migration are expected to end up in resonances, whereas those formed in-situ are expected to stay in short period ratios and in non-resonant orbits. Both predictions are at odds with observations. Aims. We investigate whether a preferred formation scenario can be identified through a comparison between the magnetospheric rebound model and the Kepler data. Methods. We conduct N-body simulations of two-planet systems during the disk dispersal phase, and make a statistical comparison between the simulations and the Kepler observations. Results. Comparing the two scenarios, we find that magnetospheric rebound tends to erase the difference in the orbital configuration that was initially presented. After disk dispersal, not all planets are in resonance in the migration scenario, whereas planets do not remain in compact configurations in the in-situ scenario. In both scenarios, the orbits of planets increase with the cavity expansion, and their period ratios have a wider distribution. Conclusions. From a statistical perspective, the magnetospheric rebound model reproduces several observed properties of Kepler planets, such as the significant number of planets are not in resonances and planet pairs can end up at large period ratios. The disparity in orbital configuration between the two formation scenarios is substantially reduced after disk dispersal.
B. Liu and C. Ormel
Mon, 7 Aug 17
Comments: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
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