CMB constraints on the inflaton couplings and reheating temperature in $α$-attractor inflation [CEA]

We study reheating in $\alpha$-attractor models of inflation in which the inflaton couples to other scalars or fermions. We show that the parameter space contains viable regions in which the inflaton couplings to radiation can be determined from the properties of CMB temperature fluctuations, in particular the spectral index. This may be the only way to measure these fundamental microphysical parameters, which shaped the universe by setting the initial temperature of the hot big bang and contain important information about the embedding of a given model of inflation into a more fundamental theory of physics. The method can be applied to other models of single field inflation.

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M. Drewes, J. Kang and U. Mun
Fri, 4 Aug 17

Comments: 38 pages, 14 figures