NGC 1566: analysis of the nuclear region from optical and near-infrared Integral Field Unit spectroscopy [GA]

We analysed the centre of NGC 1566, which hosts a well-studied active galactic nucleus (AGN), known for its variability. With the aid of techniques such as Principal Component Analysis Tomography, analysis of the emission-line spectra, channel maps, Penalized Pixel Fitting and spectral synthesis applied to the optical and near-infrared data cubes, besides the analysis of Hubble Space Telescope images, we found that: (1) the AGN has a Seyfert 1 emission, with a very strong featureless continuum that we described as a power law with spectral index of 1.7. However, this emission may come not only from the AGN [as its point spread function (PSF) is broader than the PSF of the broad-line region (BLR)], but from hot and young stars, the same ones that probably account for the observed sigma-drop. (2) There is a correlation between redshift and the full width at half-maximum of the BLR emission lines. With a simple model assuming gravitational redshift, we described it as an emitting ring with varying emitting radii and small inclination angles. (3) There is an H II region close to the AGN, which is composed of many substructures forming an apparent spiral with a velocity gradient. (4) We also detected a probable outflow coming from the AGN and it seems to contaminate the H II region emission. (5) We identified an H2 rotating disc with orientation approximately perpendicular to this outflow. This suggests that the rotating disc is an extension of an inner torus/disc structure, which collimates the outflow emission, according to the Unified Model.

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P. Silva, J. Steiner and R. Menezes
Tue, 11 Jul 17

Comments: 29 pages, 34 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS