Searching for a cosmological preferred direction with 147 rotationally supported galaxies [CEA]

It is well known that the Milgrom’s MOND (modified Newtonian dynamics) explains well the mass discrepancy problem in galaxy rotation curves. The MOND predicts a universal acceleration scale below which the Newtonian dynamics is invalid yet. The universal acceleration scale we got from the SPARC dataset is $g_{\dag}=1.02\times10^{-10} \rm m~s^{-2}$. Milgrom suggested that the acceleration scale may be a fingerprint of cosmology on local dynamics and related with the Hubble constant $g_{\dag}\sim cH_0$. In this paper, we use the hemisphere comparison method with the SPARC dataset to investigate the spatial anisotropy on the acceleration scale. We find that the hemisphere of the maximum acceleration scale is in the direction $(l,b) = ({175.5^\circ}^{+6^\circ}{-10^\circ}, {-6.5^\circ}^{+8^\circ}{-3^\circ})$ with $g_{\dag,max}=1.10\times10^{-10} \rm m~s^{-2}$, while the hemisphere of the minimum acceleration scale is in the opposite direction $(l,b) = ({355.5^\circ}^{+6^\circ}{-10^\circ}, {6.5^\circ}^{+3^\circ}{-8^\circ})$ with $g_{\dag,min}=0.76\times10^{-10} \rm m~s^{-2}$. The maximum anisotropy level reaches up to $0.37\pm0.04$. Robust tests present that such a level of anisotropy can’t be reproduced by a statistically isotropic data. In addition, we show that the spatial anisotropy on the acceleration scale has little correlation with the non-uniform distribution of the SPARC data points in sky. We also find that the maximum anisotropy direction is close with other cosmological preferred directions, especially the direction of the “Australia dipole” for the fine structure constant.

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Y. Zhou, Z. Zhao and Z. Chang
Tue, 4 Jul 17

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