A lepto-hadronic model of gamma rays from the Eta Carinae and prospects for neutrino telescopes [HEAP]


The stellar binary $\eta$ Carinae has been observed during its full orbital period in gamma rays by the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT). The shock-accelerated electrons in the colliding winds of the two stars radiate synchrotron photons in the magnetic field of the shocked region and inverse Compton photons, where the target photons are from the thermal emissions by the more massive and luminous of the two stars. The inverse Compton emission dominates the gamma-ray flux data from the $\eta$ Carinae, however, the spectral energy distribution shows signature of a hadronic component in the $\sim 10$-300 GeV range during the periastron passage. Acceleration of cosmic-ray protons to $\gg 1$ TeV energies in the colliding winds, required to explain hadronic emission component through photopion interactions, can lead to detectable signal of $\gtrsim 10$ TeV neutrino events in large kilometer scale neutrino telescopes.

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N. Gupta and S. Razzaque
Mon, 3 Jul 17

Comments: 6 pages 4 figures