$ψ'$MSSM: Light Sterile Neutrinos, Dark Matter, and New Resonances [CL]


We present $\psi’$MSSM, a model based on a $U(1){\psi’}$ extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The gauge symmetry $U(1){\psi’}$, also known as $U(1)N$, is a linear combination of the $U(1)\chi$ and $U(1)\psi$ subgroups of $E_6$. The model predicts the existence of three sterile neutrinos with masses $\lesssim 0.1~{\rm eV}$, if the $U(1){\psi’}$ breaking scale is of order 10 TeV. Their contribution to the effective number of neutrinos at nucleosynthesis is $\Delta N_{\nu}\simeq 0.29$. The model can provide a variety of possible cold dark matter candidates including the lightest sterile sneutrino. If the $U(1){\psi’}$ breaking scale is increased to $10^3~{\rm TeV}$, the sterile neutrinos, which are stable on account of a $Z_2$ symmetry, become viable warm dark matter candidates. The observed value of the standard model Higgs boson mass can be obtained with relatively light stop quarks thanks to the D-term contribution from $U(1){\psi’}$. The model predicts diquark and diphoton resonances which may be found at an updated LHC. The well-known $\mu$ problem is resolved and the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe can be generated via leptogenesis. The breaking of $U(1)_{\psi’}$ produces superconducting strings that may be present in our galaxy. A $U(1)$ R symmetry plays a key role in keeping the proton stable and providing the light sterile neutrinos.

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A. Hebbar, G. Lazarides and Q. Shafi
Fri, 30 Jun 17

Comments: 10 pages including 6 figures, uses Revtex