Imprints of non-standard Dark Energy and Dark Matter Models on the 21cm Intensity Map Power Spectrum [CEA]

We study the imprint of non-standard dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM) models on the 21cm intensity map power spectra from high-redshift neutral hydrogen (HI) gas. To this purpose we use halo catalogs from N-body simulations of dynamical DE models and DM scenarios which are statistically indistinguishable from the standard Cold Dark Matter model with Cosmological Constant (LCDM) using currently available cosmological observations. We limit our analysis to halo catalogs at redshift z = 1 and 2.3 which are common to all simulations. For each catalog we model the HI distribution by using a simple prescription to associate the HI gas mass to N-body halos. We find that the DE models leave a distinct signature on the HI spectra across a wide range of scales, which correlates with differences in the halo mass function and the onset of the non-linear regime of clustering. In the case of the non-standard DM model significant differences of the HI spectra with respect to the LCDM model only arise from the suppressed abundance of low mass halos. These cosmological model dependent features also appear in the 21cm spectra. In particular, we find that future SKA measurements can distinguish the imprints of DE and DM models at high statistical significance.

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I. Carucci, P. Corasaniti and M. Viel
Fri, 30 Jun 17

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