Particle creation in a f(R) theory with cosmological constraints [CL]

In this paper we study the creation of super-massive real scalar particles in the framework of a $f(R)=R-\beta/R^n$ modified gravity theory, with parameters constrained by observational data. The analysis is restrict to a homogeneous and isotropic flat and radiation dominated universe. We compare the results to the standard Einstein gravity with cosmological constant ($\Lambda CDM$ model), and we show that the total number density of created particles in the $f(R)$ model is very close to the standard case. Another interesting result is that the spectrum of created particles is $\beta$ independent at early times.

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S. Pereira and R. Holanda
Thu, 18 May 17

Comments: To appear in the General Relativity and Gravitation. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1108.3346