The secular evolution of discrete quasi-Keplerian systems. II. Application to a multi-mass axisymmetric disc around a supermassive black hole [GA]

The drift and diffusion coefficients of the inhomogeneous multi-mass degenerate Landau equation are computed to describe the self-induced resonant relaxation of a discrete self-gravitating quasi-Keplerian razor-thin axisymmetric disc orbiting a massive black hole while relying on Gauss’ method. For a disc-like configuration in our Galactic centre, secular diffusion induces an adiabatic distortion of orbits. When considering a disc composed of multiple masses similarly distributed, the population of lighter stars will gain eccentricity, driving it closer to the central black hole provided the distribution function increases with angular momentum. The quenching of the diffusion of a test star in the vicinity of the black hole due to the divergence of the relativistic precessions (the “Schwarzschild barrier”) is correctly recovered by the kinetic equation. The dual stochastic Langevin formulation yields consistent results and provides a versatile framework in which to incorporate other stochastic processes.

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J. Fouvry, C. Pichon and P. Chavanis
Thu, 4 May 17

Comments: 16 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&A