Steady Galactic Dynamos and Observational Consequences II: Halo Magnetic Spiral Arms [GA]

We seek the conditions for a {\it steady} mean field galactic dynamo. The parameter set is reduced to those appearing in the $\alpha^2$ and $\alpha/\omega$ dynamo, namely velocity amplitudes, and the ratio of sub-scale helicity to diffusivity. The parameters can be allowed to vary on conical spirals. We analyze the mean field dynamo equations in terms of scale invariant logarithmic spiral modes and special exact solutions. Compatible scale invariant gravitational spiral arms are introduced and illustrated in an appendix, but the detailed dynamical interaction with the magnetic field is left for another work. As a result of planar magnetic spirals `lifting’ into the halo, multiple sign changes in average rotation measures forming a regular pattern on each side of the galactic minor axis, are predicted. Such changes have recently been detected in the CHANG-ES survey.

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R. Henriksen
Tue, 25 Apr 17

Comments: 44 double-spaced pages, 10 figures plus 1 appendix figure