We study the global consequences in the halos of spiral galaxies of the steady, axially symmetric, mean field dynamo. We use the classical theory but add the possibility of using the velocity field components as parameters in addition to the helicity and diffusivity. The analysis is based on the simplest version of the theory and uses scale-invariant solutions. The velocity field (subject to restrictions) is a scale invariant field in a
pattern' frame, in place of a full dynamical theory. The
pattern frame’ of reference may either be the systemic frame or some rigidly rotating spiral pattern frame. One type of solution for the magnetic field yields off-axis, spirally wound, magnetic field lines. These predict sign changes in the Faraday screen rotation measure in every quadrant of the halo of an edge-on galaxy. Such rotation measure oscillations have been observed in the CHANG-ES survey.
R. Henriksen
Tue, 25 Apr 17
Comments: 32 pages (double-spaced), 9 figures
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