Both k-essence and the pressureless perfect fluid develop caustic singularities at finite time. We further explore the connection between the two and show that they belong to the same class of models, which admits the caustic free completion by means of the canonical complex scalar field. Specifically, the free massive/self-interacting complex scalar reproduces dynamics of pressureless perfect fluid/k-essence under certain initial conditions in the limit of large mass/sharp self-interacting potential. We elucidate the mechanism of resolving caustic singularities. The time of the collapse is promoted to the complex number. Hence, the singularity is not developed in the real time. The same conclusion holds for the collection of collisionless particles modeled by means of the Schroedinger equation, or for the ultra-light axion.
E. Babichev and S. Ramazanov
Wed, 12 Apr 17
Comments: 18 pages, 2 figures
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