Conformal Dilatonic Cosmology [CL]

Gravitation and the standard model of particle physics are incorporated within a single conformal scalar-tensor theory, where the scalar field is complex. The Higgs field has a dynamical expectation value, as has the Planck mass, but the relative strengths of the fundamental interactions are unchanged. Initial cosmic singularity and the horizon problem are avoided, and spatial flatness is natural. There were no primordial phase transitions; consequently, no topological defects were produced. Quantum excitations of the dilaton phase induced a slightly red-tilted spectrum of gaussian and adiabatic scalar perturbations, but no analogous primordial gravitational waves were generated. Subsequent cosmological epochs through nucleosynthesis are as in standard cosmology. A generalized Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric, augmented with a linear potential term, describes the exterior of stars and galaxies, such that there is no need for dark matter on galactic scales.

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M. Shimon
Fri, 24 Mar 17

Comments: 5 pages