General dynamical properties of cosmological models with nonminimal kinetic coupling [CL]

We consider cosmological dynamics in the theory of gravity with the scalar field possessing the nonminimal kinetic coupling to curvature given as $\eta G^{\mu\nu}\phi_{,\mu}\phi_{,\nu}$, where $\eta$ is an arbitrary coupling parameter, and the scalar potential $V(\phi)$ which assumed to be as general as possible. With an appropriate dimensionless parameterization we represent the field equations as an autonomous dynamical system which contains ultimately only one arbitrary function $\chi (x)= 8 \pi G |\eta| V(x/\sqrt{8 \pi G})$. Then, assuming the rather general properties of $\chi(x)$, we analyze stationary points and their stability, as well as all possible asymptotical regimes of the dynamical system. It has been shown that for a broad class of $\chi(x)$ there exist attractors representing three accelerated regimes of the Universe evolution, including de Sitter expansion (or late-time inflation), the Little Rip scenario, and the Big Rip scenario. As the specific examples, we consider a power-law potential $V(\phi)=M^4(\phi/\phi_0)^\alpha$, Higgs-like potential $V(\phi)=\frac{\lambda}{4}(\phi^2-\phi_0^2)^2$, and exponential potential $V(\phi)=M^4 e^{-\phi/\phi_0}$.

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J. Matsumoto and S. Sushkov
Thu, 16 Mar 17

Comments: 26 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables