Dirac-Bergmann Constraints in Relativistic Physics: Non-Inertial Frames, Point Particles, Fields and Gravity [CL]


There is a review of the physical theories needing Dirac-Bergmann theory of constraints at the Hamiltonian level due to the existence of gauge symmetries. It contains:
i) the treatment of systems of point particles in special relativity both in inertial and non-inertial frames with a Wigner-covariant way of eliminating relative times in relativistic bound states;
ii) the description of the electro-magnetic field in relativistic atomic physics and of Yang-Mills fields in absence of Gribov ambiguity in particle physics;
iii) the identification of the inertial gauge variables and of the physical variables in canonical ADM tetrad gravity in presence of the electro-magnetic field and of charged scalar point particles in asymptotically Minkowskian space-times without super-translations by means of a Shanmugadhasan canonical transformation to a York canonical basis adapted to ten of the 14 first-class constraints and the definition of the Hamiltonian Post-Minkowskian weak field limit.
Review paper for a chapter of a future book

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L. Lusanna
Mon, 27 Feb 17

Comments: 30 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.3224, arXiv:1205.2481