With the recent recognition of a second, distinctive class of molecular outflows, namely the explosive ones not directly connected to the accretion-ejection process in the star formation, a juxtaposition of the morphological and kinematic properties of both classes is warranted. By applying the same method used in Zapata et al. (2009), and using $^{12}$CO(J=2-1) archival data from the Submillimeter Array (SMA), we contrast two well known explosive objects, Orion KL and DR21, to HH211 and DG Tau B, two flows representative of classical low-mass protostellar outflows. At the moment there are only two well established cases of explosive outflows, but with the full availability of ALMA we expect that more examples will be found in the near future. Main results are the largely different spatial distributions of the explosive flows, consisting of numerous narrow straight filament-like ejections with different orientations and in almost an isotropic configuration, the red with respect to the blueshifted components of the flows (maximally separated in protostellar, largely overlapping in explosive outflows), the very well-defined Hubble flow-like increase of velocity with distance from the origin in the explosive filaments versus the mostly non-organized CO velocity field in protostellar objects, and huge inequalities in mass, momentum and energy of the two classes, at least for the case of low-mass flows. Finally, all the molecular filaments in the explosive outflows point back to approximately a central position i.e. the place where its “exciting source” was located, contrary to the bulk of the molecular material within the protostellar outflows.
L. Zapata, J. Schmid-Burgk, L. Rodriguez, et. al.
Thu, 26 Jan 17
Comments: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal
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