Neutrino Fluxes from a Core-Collapse Supernova in a Model with Three Sterile Neutrinos [HEAP]

The characteristics of the gravitational collapse of a supernova and the fluxes of active and sterile neutrinos produced during the formation of its protoneutron core have been calculated numerically. The relative yields of active and sterile neutrinos in core matter with different degrees of neutronization have been calculated for various input parameters and various initial conditions. A significant increase in the fraction of sterile neutrinos produced in superdense core matter at the resonant degree of neutronization has been confirmed. The contributions of sterile neutrinos to the collapse dynamics and the total flux of neutrinos produced during collapse have been shown to be relatively small. The total luminosity of sterile neutrinos is considerably lower than the luminosity of electron neutrinos, but their spectrum is considerably harder at high energies.

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A. Yudin, D. Nadyozhin, V. Khruschov, et. al.
Wed, 18 Jan 17

Comments: 16 pages, 9 figures