MOSiC: an analysis tool for IRIS spectral data [IMA]

This is a manual for the MOSiC package. MOSiC is a collection of IDL programs for profile analysis and Gaussian fitting of the Mg II h/k lines along with Gaussian fitting of the C II 133.5 nm line pair, the O I 135.6, the Cl I 135.2, the Si IV 139.7 and 140.3 and the O IV 140.0 nm lines observed with the IRIS near UV and far UV spectrograph. It was tested by analyzing over a hundred different IRIS data sets (quiet Sun, sunspot, …). It works for off limb data, although it is still experimental. MOSiC analyzes different spectral lines separately and returns line intensity, width, and velocity for each line. A few sample profiles and maps are included in this manual.

Read this paper on arXiv…

R. Rezaei
Wed, 18 Jan 17

Comments: The program is available on the GitHub page (this https URL)