Online characterization of planetary surfaces: PlanetServer, an open-source analysis and visualization tool [EPA]

In this paper we present the new PlanetServer, a set of tools comprising a web Geographic Information System (GIS) and a recently developed Python API capable of analyzing a wide variety of hyperspectral data from different planetary bodies. The research case studies are focusing on 1) the characterization of different hydrosilicates such as chlorites, prehnites and kaolinites in the Nili Fossae area on Mars, and 2) the characterization of ice (CO 2 and H 2 O ice) in two different areas of Mars where ice was reported in a nearly pure state. Results show positive outcome in hyperspectral analysis and visualization compared to previous literature, therefore we suggest using PlanetServer for such investigations.

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R. Figuera, B. Huu, A. Rossi, et. al.
Tue, 10 Jan 17

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