The light curve and distance of Kepler supernova: news from four centuries ago [SSA]

We study the light curve of SN 1604 using the historical data collected at the time of observation of the outburst. Comparing the supernova with recent SNe Ia of various rates of decline after maximum light, we find that this event looks like a normal SNIa (stretch s close to 0.9: 0.9 \pm 0.13), a fact which is also favoured by the late light curve. The supernova is heavily obscured by 2.7 \pm 0.1 magnitudes in V. We obtain an estimate of the distance to the explosion with a value of d = 5 \pm 0.7 kpc. This can help to settle ongoing discussions on the distance to the supernova. It also shows that this supernova is of the same kind as those of the SNIa sets that we use for cosmology nowadays.

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P. Ruiz-Lapuente
Fri, 23 Dec 16

Comments: 22 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables; submitted to the ApJ; comments welcome