A joined model for solar dynamo and differential rotation [SSA]


A model for the solar dynamo, consistent in global flow and numerical method employed with the differential rotation model, is developed. The magnetic turbulent diffusivity is expressed in terms of the entropy gradient, which is controlled by the model equations. The magnetic Prandtl number and latitudinal profile of the alpha-effect are specified by fitting the computed period of the activity cycle and the equatorial symmetry of magnetic fields to observations. Then, the instants of polar field reversals and time-latitude diagrams of the fields also come into agreement with observations. The poloidal field has a maximum amplitude of about 10 Gs in the polar regions. The toroidal field of several thousand Gauss concentrates near the base of the convection zone and is transported towards the equator by the meridional flow. The model predicts a value of about 10^37 erg for the total magnetic energy of large-scale fields in the solar convection zone.

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L. Kitchatinov and A. Nepomnyashchikh
Fri, 23 Dec 16

Comments: 9 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Letters