Laboratory Frequency Redistribution Function for the Polarized $Λ$-Type Three-Term Atom [GA]

We present the frequency redistribution function for the polarized three-term atom of the $\Lambda$-type in the collisionless regime, and we specialize it to the case where both the initial and final terms of the three-state transition are metastable (i.e., with infinitely sharp levels). This redistribution function represents a generalization of the well-known $R_{\rm II}$ function to the case where the lower terms of the transition can be polarized and carry atomic coherence, and it can be applied to the investigation of polarized line formation in tenuous plasmas, where collisional rates may be low enough that anisotropy induced atomic polarization survives even in the case of metastable levels.

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R. Casini and R. Sainz
Wed, 14 Dec 16

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