Exploiting the HASH Planetary Nebula Research Platform [SSA]


The HASH (Hong Kong/ AAO/ Strasbourg/ H{\alpha}) planetary nebula research platform is a unique data repository with a graphical interface and SQL capability that offers the community powerful, new ways to undertake Galactic PN studies. HASH currently contains multi-wavelength images, spectra, positions, sizes, morphologies and other data whenever available for 2401 true, 447 likely, and 692 possible Galactic PNe, for a total of 3540 objects. An additional 620 Galactic post-AGB stars, pre-PNe, and PPN candidates are included. All objects were classified and evaluated following the precepts and procedures established and developed by our group over the last 15 years. The complete database contains over 6,700 Galactic objects including the many mimics and related phenomena previously mistaken or confused with PNe. Curation and updating currently occurs on a weekly basis to keep the repository as up to date as possible until the official release of HASH v1 planned in the near future.

Read this paper on arXiv…

Q. Parker, I. Bojicic and D. Frew
Fri, 2 Dec 16

Comments: 4 pages 3 figures to appear in Planetary Nebulae: Multi-Wavelength Probes of Stellar and Galactic Evolution Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 323, 2017