An analytical test case for dust dynamics during a shock-wave passage [CL]

An exact solution of a forced Burgers’ equation representing the dynamics of a “dust fluid” in a one-dimensional flow is presented. The test case considered starts with a steady (time independent) two-fluid flow in one dimension, where the two fluid components represent gas and dust. It is then assumed that a shock wave travels through the gas at a constant speed and without radiative energy losses and diffusion. Then, adopting a constant stopping time for the dust particles in the dust fluid (mono-dispersed grain sizes), the equation of motion for the dust fluid can be transformed into a simple ordinary differential equation, which is satisfied by the Wright omega function. Implications for the formation of detached shells around carbon stars are briefly discussed.

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L. Mattsson
Thu, 1 Dec 16

Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures. Updated refernces. To appear in the proceedings of The 19th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun