A high precision polarimeter for small telescopes [IMA]


We describe Mini-HIPPI (Miniature HIgh Precision Polarimetric Instrument), a stellar polarimeter weighing just 650 grams but capable of measuring linear polarization to $\sim10^{-5}$. Mini-HIPPI is based on the use of a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal (FLC) modulator. It can easily be mounted on a small telescope and allows study of the polarization of bright stars at levels of precision which are hitherto largely unexplored. We present results obtained with Mini-HIPPI on a 35 cm telescope. Measurements of polarized standard stars are in good agreement with predicted values. Meaurements of a number of bright stars agree well with those from other high-sensitivity polarimeters. Observations of the binary system Spica show polarization variability around the orbital cycle.

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J. Bailey, D. Cotton and L. Kedziora-Chudczer
Tue, 8 Nov 16

Comments: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRAS