Close stellar conjunctions of alpha Centauri A and B until 2050 – An mK = 7.8 star may enter the Einstein ring of alpha Cen A in 2028 [SSA]

The rapid proper motion of the alpha Cen pair (3.7 arcsec/yr) and its location close to the galactic plane on a rich stellar background combine to make them excellent candidates for stellar conjunctions with distant stars. Adding new astrometry to archival data, we have refined the orbital parameters, barycentric proper motion and parallax of alpha Cen and compute its apparent trajectory on sky over the coming decades. We present a catalog of the expected close conjunctions until 2050. An exceptional event will take place in early May 2028, when alpha Cen A will come within 0.015 +/- 0.135 arcseconds of the mK = 7.8 star 2MASS 14392160-6049528 (hereafter S5). In terms of impact parameter and contrast, this is the most favorable stellar conjunction of alpha Cen within at least the next three decades. With an angular diameter of LD = 0.47 +/- 0.05 mas, it is likely that S5 is a red giant or supergiant located at several kiloparsecs. The approached stars will act as moving light probes in transmission through the environment of alpha Cen. The observation of these close conjunctions holds great promises to search for planets and other low mass objects in the alpha Cen system using photometry and astrometry. The relativistic deflection of the approached star images will be in the milliarcsecond range. The small impact parameter of the conjunction with S5 means that this star has a probability of 45% of entering the Einstein ring of alpha Cen A. The gravitational amplification of the flux of S5 could reach a factor five for the combination of the two lensed images. The proper motion, orbital parameters and parallax of alpha Cen will be measurable with an extreme accuracy from differential astrometry with the S stars. This will be valuable, for example to prepare the Breakthrough Starshot initiative to send interstellar nanocrafts to alpha Centauri.

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P. Kervella, F. Mignard, A. Merand, et. al.
Thu, 20 Oct 16

Comments: 15 pages, 10 figures